As promised before Christmas, here is the first official release of PopupFolders. Download it here.

What's new in 1.0 and 1.01:

  • configurable mouse button and keyboard triggers in a new "Options" dialog box
  • new keyboard triggers (by default, Windows-K and Shift-Windows-K) in addition to mouse button triggers (by default, Middle mouse and Shift-Middle mouse buttons)
  • add "Run at startup" checkbox to "Options" dialog box to launch Folders Popup automatically at Windows startup
  • add "Display the startup tray tip" checkbox to "Options" dialog box to display or hide the Folders popup's tray tip
  • add "Display Special Folders" checkbox to "Options" dialog box to enable/disable navigation to special folders (My Computer, Network, Recycle bion, etc.) in popup menu
  • better formated startup help tray tip
  • close "Settings" dialog box with Escape key

It as been thoroughly tested but if you find anytihing wrong, let me know in the Support page. And suggestions and comments are alway welcomed.

PS: There was a bug in v1.0 (mouse and keyboard triggers were disabled in non-explorer windows). It has been fixed with v1.01 now online.