Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders!
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Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders!
This archives page contains "closed cases" comments related to Folders Popup v1.
Go to the Folders Popup active page to read current info or post a new comment.
Brilliant program, but is it possible to change the activation key (middle button)?
The default collides with another program that I am running.
Thank you for your comment.
Yes, I can make the activation key/button configurable in the next version. What activation key/button would you prefer? Keyboard combination? Other mouse buttons? You can refer to this page for the choices I have with the dev tool I use:
These keys/buttons can be combined with modifiers like Shift, Alt, Ctrl, Windows keys: for example Alt-Middle mouse button. Some keys can also be combined for example: Numpad0 & NumpadDot.
Of course, the combination must not interfere with other uses in other programs. Thanks for your input.
Thank You for your fast reply! :-)
In my head, the keys should be whatever the user wants.
Don't know if its possible, but for me it would be some arcane combination, and it would probably change over time.
Can you implement a similar function for " use key" as you have for the "settings key"? Ie using the AutoKey-syntax?
Cheers opie
(And I still regard your software as pure "Einstein-material". I use Directory Opus (DOpus) as my file manager/shell, your program in combination with DOpus is very cool..... Keep up the good work!
Yes. I just wanted to know what key you would use. I'll write an interface to make it easy to choose the key or mouse button than writing in the .ini file. Stay tune for version 1.0!
If you want to help others discover Folders Popup, you can rate it and leave a comment here, as you wish:
Many thanks.
Hi Jean,
unfortunately I do not have a mouse with a middle button. Is there a way I can still use FoldersPopup?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hello Jey,
Stay tuned for the next release (1.0) where the mouse button or key combination will be configurable. ETA before Christmas.
Just in case some people would not know... If your mouse have a Scroll wheel, you can also press it: this is the Middle Mouse Button.
Hello Jean,
Very handy tool.
Is it possible to configure the software to open folders without the navigation pane ?
Bonjour Phil,
Frankly, I don't know. I searched the Windows Shell doc without result. I think I'll have to seek deeper. I take not of this for a later release. Thanks for the suggestion.
PS: Don't think this is feasible, according to
This is also bugging me.... I have my folders set to NOT show the navigation panel (hence my interest in Folders Popup), but whenever I open a folder using Folders Popup, it re-enables the navigation pane. Opening folders any other way doesn't do this.
Is there a fix in the works? This program is almost perfect for what I need as far as navigation, but dealing with the additional screen clutter puts a dent in its usefulness for me...
Thank you for your interest in Folders Popup, Bryan. I'll have to do more research. I'll be a bit technical here in case someone can help. I'm using the command ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Explore(strPath) to create a new Explorer window. I need a way to tell this command to comply with the Navigation Pane setting decided by the user in previous Explorer windows. This setting is not taken into account by default by the Shell command. I'll be back to you here on this.
It took some time to find a solution to this but, finally, Folders Popup now open new Explorer windows with or without the left navigation pane, according to your Explorer Layout settings. More details here:
Thank you Phil and Bryan for raising this issue.
Please help me how can I use your program while am using a Laptop with MOUSE PAD (that means there is no middle button). Thanks.
It depends on your mouse pad. Here is an example Look at options for your mouse pad in the Control Panel.
Or wait for 1.0 release of Folders Popup that will allow to configure triggers (mouse or keyboard) according to your own taste.
Very Handy tools , exactly what I was looking for but...
It seems not working on my windows 8.1 :-(
I rignt click and choose a shortcut but nothing happens !
@hal: FoldersPopup has been tested on Win 8. I'll follow up by email for a more precise diagnostic and come back here later with a status.
@All: I don't have access to a Win 8.1 environment actually. Could other Win 8.1 users report if Folders Popup works well or not in their OS? Thanks.
@All: In our email discussion, we discovered that the protection software Comodo was the cause. When deactivated, Folders Popup could be restarted and worked well.
I asked on Comodo forum to whitelist Folders Popup. This should have been done now.
fine programm (very, very, thanks)
but it intercepts MButton which is now without effect in Firefox (for exemple)
second i dont find an option to go directely to other opened windows (should be very fine!)
@paya: This was a bug. v1.01 now online fixes it. Thanks for reporting it quickly!
Regarding your suggestion, by "other opened window", do you mean any other window or only other Explorer windows?
this is very handy
bravo for your programm anyway
By email, paya added: "direct acces in save dialog for exemple to the other windows already opened in explorer". Suggestion noted. Thanks.
Thanks for upgrading your program now can I use keys on the keyboard
But now I request to you if possible the commands popup while using keyboard to appear where the cursor is. Now it appears at the right corner.
When you use the mouse trigger, the popup menu appear over the window pointed by the mouse, close to the mouse pointer. But when you use the keyboard trigger, I'm popping the menu over the active window (not necessarily the window pointed by the mouse). Since, at this time, the mouse can be anywhere on the screen, it seems more logical to me to show the menu relative to top-left of the active window. But I take note of your different opinion on this. Thanks, Lusekelo, for your comment.
a few feature requests:
1. Support of double click (left mouse button). I don't have a mouse wheel on every mouse so a double click (ofc this has to happen in the "white area" of any dialog window) would be really helpful
2. An option to disable the tray icon menu. The options are already available via hotkey so it would be nice if we can save a little space on the tray icon bar
3. It would be nice when you can add a numbering system to the popup menu. E.g. the first entry get's a leading 1, second entry a 2, etc. Let's say the item "Archive files" is at nr. 5 so we could just press 5 to invoke this entry. Probably only number from 1-9 should be used (and only for the first nine entries)...
Thank you for your suggestions, Jack.
1. Not feasible because I could not know if you double-click in a white area or on a file name. But, with v1.01+, you could assign a different button combination, for example: Control+Left-click to show the popup menu.
2. Yes. Added to the wishis list.
3. Yes. Added. Letters could be used after 9 (1, 2, ... 9, A, B, ... Z).
For those interested in suggestions' status, the whishlist is here.
Ok, thank you Jean :)
Hello Jack. Your #3 request is now implemented.This is in v1.2. Thanks for the suggestion.
Bonjour Jean.
Après une semaine d'essai, FoldersPopup 1.01 est officiellement installé sur ma tour et sur mon portable.
J'utilisais un autre utilitaire comme FoldersPopup depuis plusieurs années, je viens de le désintaller, FoldersPopup est beaucoup simple.
FoldersPopup est un freeware qui mérite d'être connu.
Félicitations pour FoldersPopup 1.01 que j'ai découvert sur softpedia.
Bonne journée!
Martin B.
Rive-Sud de Mtl
Merci pour le commentaire Martin :-)
V. 1.01 working fine her (Windows 8.1 Pro), great program.
But, I have a feature request for a future version.
In version 1.01, the shortcut keys/mouse button only works if the focus is on "File Explorer" (Explorer in Win8.1) or the desktop. In any other program the shortcut keys does not work (at least not for me).
Is it possible to change this, ie add support for third party file managers? Preferably an option to choose the windows/programs where the shortcuts would work.
The reason for me asking is that I am not using File Explorer, but a third party file manager (Directory Opus).
To activate Folder popup I have to change focus to the desktop. Because of this the "Add this folder" does not work.
(Btw the settings shortcut works in whatever windows have focus).
Hello Opie,
> In any other program the shortcut keys does not work (at least not for me).
Regular shortcuts (Middle mouse button and Win-K) only work in Windows Explorer or file dialog boxes. This is by design. But in other windows, you can use the "New Explorer" keyboard shortcut (by default Shift-Middle mouse button or Shift-Win-K) to open the folder selected in the popup menu in a new Explorer window.
> add support for third party file managers
Question: when you open a new folder from FP (using Shift- shortcuts), does the new folder open in Directory Opus or in the regular Windows Explorer?
If it is opening in the regular Explorer, I could easily add an option to open a new folder in a configurable file manager (providing it supports command-line arguments). But I could not control this manager (eg: change folders within this app) without much work.
Thanks for your ongoing interest in FP!
Thank you for your fast reply.
When I activate Folder popup (with focus on the desktop), the chosen folder opens i Directory Opus.
D.Opus has a system setting for replacing Explorer, and its activated on my system.
So I just need a "switch" or option to activate shortcuts for Folder popup no matter what window is active.
As I said, the shortcut for Folder popup settings works with any window focused, and if I could enable the same behavior for the main menu, the problem would possibly be solved.
> I just need a “switch” or option to activate shortcuts for Folder popup no matter what window is active.
I see. Opening the popup menu anywhere is the easy part. But, the hard thing is navigating to the chosen folder in the current application (being Directory Opus or any other window). If I can't control this app (as I can with Explorer and standard file dialog boxes), the result will be the same as with Shift- shortcuts: opening in a new window.
You are correct, Sir! :-D
No matter what shortcut combo I use, the folder opens in a new "window".
When using Folder popup, the folder opens in a new tab, but I don't mind. Directory Opus is a dual pane file manager with support for an almost unlimited number of tabs in each pane.
Opening in a new tab ensures that an existing tab don't get overwritten so to speak.
(Always open in new tab kind of thing).
But I have another wish/feature request.
An option for locking the FP main menu at a X-Y position to ensure that it each time shows in the same position on the screen regardless from where it's triggered.
The reason for this is that I am running a 3-monitor setup with an effective resolution of 5760 x 1080.
It would be practical to have the FP menu show at roughly center of the center monitor, at position 2880 x 540.
Keep up the good work!
> An option for locking the FP main menu at a X-Y position
Added to the whish list
Thanks again!
Just a quick feedback on a workaround I found completely by accident while toying with different settings and shortcut combos.
I assigned Win+LButton to "Trigger for New Explorer - Mouse".
Now when I press the combination, the FP menu pops up where the mouse pointer is regardless of active window, or window "beneath" the pointer.
Still opens in a new tab, but I am very okay with that.
Hello Opie. Your request about a fix position is now implemented.This is in v1.2. Thanks for the suggestion.
Works like a charm, fixed at 2600 x 200, makes the menu easy to find.
Very, very good!
The Numeric Shortcuts also working flawlessly, great idea.
FP is evolving into a little gem of a program.
Bonjour Jean,
Merci pour ce très bon outil fonctionnel (v1.01 avec W7).
Le seul regret est que je n'arrive pas à le faire fonctionner avec la surcouche Clover qui permet de gérer des onglets dans l'explorateur Windows. Le bouton du milieu ne déclenche pas le menu déroulant.
Note: English users can read this automatic translation.
Bonjour Nico. Si vous voulez, je peux vous envoyer une version de débogage de FP pour collecter des infos qui me permettraient de supporter Clover. Je vous écris par courriel.
Bonjour Nico,
FoldersPopup v1.2.5 supporte maintenant Clover. Plus de détails ici:
Au revoir,
Rebonjour Jean,
1) Est-il possible de déclencher une série d'action comme l'exemple ci-dessous, non pas par une hotkey mais à partir de la popup principale FolderPopup (via le bouton du milieu) en cliquant sur un mot (actuellement défini pour associer un nom de répertoire).
ex: "Send Sincerely,{enter}John Smith
Si ce n'est pas possible, pensez vous que cette fonctionnalité pourrait être ajoutée, ou bien ce n'est pas du tout l'objet de cet outil ?
2) Serait-il possible aussi d'organiser les petits noms des répertoires, non pas uniquement avec des séparateurs, mais aussi avec un systeme d'arborescence.
ex :
"Répertoires de travail"
- work1 (c:\work1)
- work1 (d:\work2)
"Répertoires de Films"
- films1 (c:\films1\)
- films2 (d:\films2\)
> Est-il possible de déclencher une série d’action comme l’exemple ci-dessous, non pas par une hotkey mais à partir de la popup principale FolderPopup
Non, cela n'est pas possible. Et ce n'est pas vraiment dans cette direction que je prévois le développement de FP. Peut-être existe-t-il des logiciels de macro qui permettraient de faire l'équivalent.
> Serait-il possible aussi d’organiser les petits noms des répertoires, non pas uniquement avec des séparateurs, mais aussi avec un systeme d’arborescence.
Oui, c'est une bonne idée que j'ajoute à la liste de souhaits.
Merci pour vos commentaires.
Nice program..I was wondering if there is any way to avoid the windows sidebar from appearing when I move from folder to folder using folders popup.
Thanks for your help
Thank you David. If you mean the left navigation pan in Windows Explorer, no, I can't remove it (see this discussion
If anybody have a solution, let me know!
Thank you very much for your reply.
Hi Jean, I like Folders Popup a lot, it is the only dialog ox extender that (still) seems to work in MS Office dialogs, until today :( I am using Office 2007, and after a couple of (automated) windows updates, FolderPopup doesn't work anymore in the Office dialogs. I have the latest version, 1.01. I tried changing some settings and assigning other letter combinations, but this didn't help. Are there others with this problem, and, is there a workaround? Thanks for you work!
Hi Arnould. It is sad that it does not work anymore in Office 2007 dialog boxes. I have not heard of others having this problem but I can understand. In some environments, MS Office dialog boxes does not follow the standard Windows dialog boxes nomenclature and I had to tweak FP to make it work under Windows XP. What version of Windows are you running?
In the next release of FP, you will be able to activate a diagnostic mode that will capture some information that you can send me to help fix this. Please, stay tuned!
Okay, thanks Jean. I am running win 7 64 bit.
I really miss it a lot, as I work continously in ms word on a large amount of different files en locations.
Between about 2005 en 2010 there were multiple dialog box extenders available freeware/shareware, but most of them (as you will probably know), are discontinued since, and/or are not supporting office dialogs.
Keep up the good work :D
I tried your nice tool and find it really useful. I have some questions/suggestions though:
- Are you interested in having it translated into german language? Then I would like to help you out.
- Would it be possible to add support for submenus as favourites? (As I don't have a Github account, I couldn't comment under the suggestion of JnLlnd)
Greetings from Germany
Edgar "Fast Edi" Hoffmann
Hello Edgar,
Yes, favorites submenus are on the wishlist and planned for the next major release (2.0). No release date yet.
Thanks you for your offer to help for German translation. I should do French translation myself. Let me come back to you by email when I have a better idea of when I would start this project. I also have to think about the distribution of localized versions: one executable with the ability to switch language, or different execs for each language (all this x 2, for 32/64-bit). I would prefer the first option but it would require more work...
Auf Wiedersehen!
Thanks for your answer.
You can contact me anytime you're ready...
Au revoir
(Sadly one of the few words I know in french...)
Hi. Just installed v.1.2
Now all my settings of version 1.1 have disappeared in 1.2. Can I restore them somehow?
*settings: I mean the folders I added (quie a few)
Did you install v1.2 in the same folder where you were running the previous version?
If yes, the previous settings from the file FoldersPopup.ini are normally preserved.
If not, copy the FoldersPopup.ini file from the previous folder to the new one and overwrite the one created when you first launched v1.2. This should be OK.
I installed v.1.2 in the same folder as v.1.01, but the .ini of v.1.01 seems to have been overwritten somehow; I opened it to check it, it showed only the 3 default folders.
So, I set up my own folders again.
But thanks anyway. :)
Sorry to hear that. I reviewed my code to make sure: FP creates the .ini file only if it does not already exists in the app's folder. Something unexpected happened. Let's see if others report the same problem.
Hi Jean.
I installed Folders Popup 1.2 32-bit in the same folder that the previous version (v1.01) and the .ini has been preserved. Before the manual installation, I deleted the old .exe and README.txt.
SUperbe freeware.
Merci Jean et bonne fin de journée!
Martin B.
Rive-Sud de Mtl
Merci Martin. This reassures me.
I will add an update procedure in this page under Download. This will make it more clear.
Same here!
Copied the FP 1.2 64-bit into my existing FP-folder (version 1.01).
At launch the INI-file is preserved, all existing shortcuts working!
Merci Jean, pour cette version sans (ou avec) volet de navigation tant attendu.
Très pratique notamment sur un Netbook.
Is it possible to add support for Folder Dialog Boxes?
What do you mean, Joe?
For example, there are "Browse For Folder", "Copy Items", "Move Items", etc.
"Browse For Folder" example:
Oh! I see. Good point. I've seen these dialog boxes and I would like to support them. But this will need some research. I've added this to the wish list. High priority.
Great, because they are the biggest pain in the ...
Sorry to say that I found no way to control these "Select folder" dialog boxes. Very resistant to automation these little windows...
Your program (FoldersPopup) looks very interesting and I am running on my 64bit Windows 7 system. So far, so good except...
I do run a CAD/CAM system that uses a middle-click in it's drawing area to activate a rotation mode. With FoldersPopup active, the middle click and hold is ignored. If I suspend the utility, all then functions as it should within the drawing area o f the application. The drawback is that: A) It has to be manual disabled while running this CAD/CAM app and then re-enabled when done. B) FoldersPopup is not avaiable inside the OPEN/SAVE dialogs of the CAD/CAM app nor elsewhere while it is "Suspended" in the System Tray.
Perhaps you could add an "ignore" program list or similar. Or perhaps pass the original middle-click functionality on through if NOT in any of the defined "Supported Dialog Boxes"??
Thanks in advance,
Hello Brad. Have you tried changing the Middle-button for another trigger in the config (Settings, Option)?
I have remapped the HOTKEY to ALT-MIDDLE-MOUSE-BUTTON. It is a little less convenient than just the single MIDDLE-NUTTON-MOUSE click but does allow me access to both FoldersPopup AND my MIDDLE-MOUSE-BUTTON in my CAD/CAM system.
Great Brad. Thanks for following up. I can confirm that FP traps the middle-mouse button if this is the trigger you choose in the config. But if the click occurs in a unsupported window, the middle click is passed to the active app and this works for most apps. However, what I understood from your specific situation is that the middle-mouse button used in a drag-and-drop mode is not correctly passed to your CAD program. I also noticed that the drag-and-drop does work in other programs such as Internet Explorer or Chrome but not exactly as expected. I can improve it in the future. In the meantime, I'm happy that you have been able to work around this with another mouse trigger.
PS: Since v1.01 (this was a bug in v1.0), the original middle-click (or keyboard shortcut) *IS* passes to the running application if the mouse pointer (or the active window for keyboard shortcuts) is NOT in a supported window or dialog box. Please make sure you have the latest release and check again. If this still does not work with your CAD program, try with other applications. This may be a problem specific to your CAD program.
I use a Kensington Pro rollerball thay has four buttons. Is there an way to program the lower right buttom or an alternative shift key combination that does not interfere with either Windows or others more popular apps?
Merci beaucoup-Mon espouse du Montreal au Ahuntsic.
I don't use this hardware and could not confirm the following procedure but you can probably find this button in the "Change hotkey" dialog box. First open the "Settings" window. Right-click the FP tray icon and choose "Folders Popup Settings". In the lower right corner, click the "Options" button. Then, click the "Change" button beside the trigger you want to modify (for example, "Mouse - Folders Popup") and try one of the nine mouse buttons or mouse wheel options in the drop down menu, in combination or not with Shift, Control, Alt or Windows key modifiers. The XButton1 and XButton2 are for the extra buttons found on steroids-boosted mice or mouse replacements like yours.
Many thanks for your incredibly prompt and thorough reply. I will try this and let you know.
I really am enjoying this app! Nice work and thank you!
Thanks to you, Stu.
Very nice tool.
I just found a little problem:
One of my paths has a '#' in its name - like : 'D:\C#\Projects'
I can add this folder, but if I select it, I get the error
'"file:///D:/C#/Projects" not found'
Just some more info:
It works for D:\C# or even D:\C##, but not for sub folders of those.
Hello Verence,
Thanks for reporting this bug. I can reproduce it. I'll work on in priority.
Have a good day.
Not an easy one... This behavior is internal to a Windows module (Shell) I'm calling from FoldersPopup. This is not specifically something in my own code. There may be a workaround that I don't know yet and I googled it as much as I could. I'll have to wait for some input from forum users.
If someone want to jump in the technical side of it, it is here:
Unfortunately, there is nothing new to report on this issue, Verence. As I mentioned, this is a behavior in an internal Windows module that I have no control on. I hate to say this but, until I find something or receive an advice from another AHK developer, the only thing to do would be to avoid using # in folders name.
I'll add it to an issue list that I'll add to this page shortly.
Too bad, that can't be fixed. So, I will either have to live with it or rename the folder to something like 'CSharp'. Unfortunately, that folder structure is heavily referenced.
Any, thanks for your efforts.
I understand easily how this type of root folder can be referenced in your dev environment.
I may implement a workaround to this issue. Instead of changing the folder using a Windiows internal command, I could fake keystrokes that would change the folder using the user interface. This is less reliable and can raise issues in some localized Windows implementations. But it could be a viable solution. Let me see how I can priorize that in a future release... and stay tuned!
Good news, Verence! I coded a workaround for the hash bug (aka Sharp / #) in Shell.Application that occurs only when navigating in the current Explorer window to a subfolder including "#" in its parent path (eg.: C:\C#\Project). v1.2.6 is ready to download with this fix!
I found this through Lifehacker and indeed it does seem like something that should be native to Windows.
Unfortunately, I am running Clover on Win7 to replace Explorer and the navigation doesn't seem to work. The dialogue menu pops up but clicking on a folder doesn't do anything. If you can integrate with Clover, I would be eternally grateful and even willing to donate.
Hello Ti,
I'v done some research and tests about Clover with the help of another FP user a few months ago. The problem is that, from FP point of view, I found no way to detect that an Explorer window has the Clover extension. Consequently, I could not try to adapt FP to work with Clover. Next step would be to install Clover on my system or contact its author. I may get there after I release v2.0 in a few weeks.
Thanks for your interest in FP.
(This is not to tell you what to do but the other user decided to leave Clover ;-)
Hello Ti,
FoldersPopup v1.2.5 is now compatible with Clover. More info here:
Same Idea as Ti has: I've replaced Explorer with FreeCommander. Any chance to get Your wonderful programme integrated?
Hello Joern,
Thanks for raising this. Please see my answer to the previous comment. This is probably the same issue. I'll add FreeCommander on my issue list.
Hello Joern,
FoldersPopup v1.2.5 is now compatible with FreeCommander. More info here:
and on FC's forum:
Thank you so much. Your app is what I really needed. Thanks again.
Happy to read it, Esmaeil!
At first run of FoldersPopup-1_2_3-32-bit.exe on Windows 7 SP1 I got an error: “k” is not a valid key name
Tray icon appeared, but pressing middle mouse button in Explorer or shift+middle mouse button produced another error: Menu does not exist
Thanks for reporting this problem. This is an unusual situation. I will try to reproduce it. Could you send me the FoldersPopup.ini file located in the folder where you run FoldersPopup? Paste it here or send it by email at Also, try the 64-bit version included in the zip file. Does it produce the same errors?
The same problem happens on Windows 8.1 Update 1 (64-bit), but not on Windows XP SP3 32-bit.
Here is FoldersPopup.ini file, created after program start:
I truncated the ini file because it is as the original. No clue there. If you could run FP in diagnostic mode, you would send me a text file created by the app that could tell me more. Please contact me by email at for the diagnostic instructions.
After some investigation you finally solved this problem in v1.2.4 (bug fix release).
Thank you very much!
Good news! Thanks to Baz help here and lexikos help on forum, this issue has been solved. FP v1.2.4 fixes this shortcut (hotkey) assignments error ("not a valid key name error") on Windows system with keyboard regional settings supporting Cyrillic letters (Russian and others).
Some suggestions from me (for future versions):
1. Add support to open not only folders, but also programs/docs/links/urls and so on ---- this will greatly increase the field of practical implementation.
2. Add option to show/hide icons of added items before their name ---- this makes sense, if you introduce the above mentioned option
3. Ability to add submenus ---- again it's connected with above mentioned
4. Add option to show/hide tray icon ---- options can be accessed through middle mouse button menu
That's all.
Thank you once again for your GREAT (and little at once ;) ) program.
1. Suggestion noted. But then I would have to rename the app ;-)
2. The icon idea is noted and planned for one of the next releases.
3. I'm currently working on that one actively. This will be them main new feature of v2.0.
4. Suggestion noted.
Thank you for your input, Baz.
Buggy on Xp sp3
tried to save a picture from opera web browser using "Save As" (added Save as to the Supported Dialog options)
When I middle click to select pictures, the program only manages to get to the active directory of current user
and renames the random picture e.g "543443.jpg" to "My documents.jpg" and autosaves without pressing save (not good). This must be a bug as the program successfully navigates to other default special folders without any problems.
Thank you for reporting this, Bill. If you could run FP in diagnostic mode, it could help me find out what's happening in this configuration. I'll send you the diagnostic info by email.
DateTime Type Data
(... diag info stripped from comment ...)
Reproduced with the same undesired effect.
Opened notepad, Selected Save as:
in the dialog box I hit Middle Click >> Special Folders > Pictures
It did not navigate as desired instead program saved the file as "E:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.EXPERIEN-62EBDF\My Pictures.txt"
This apps is a good little gem I have already added to my Pstart suite of xp portable apps
it is so far 8 gigs in size with every app being vetted for quality and necessity - soon it will be the portable suite to end all portable suites as a memorial to Microsoft’s official abandonment of Windows Xp as of 8th of April 2014!!
Thank you Bill for this diag info. I was not able to reproduce it under Win7. I'll check again as soon as I have access to a WinXP machine.
And thank you for your comment and for including FP in your package.
Good news, Bill. I was able to reproduce and fix that bug that occurred only on Windows XP, when navigating to the special folder "My Pictures" in dialog boxes (or in the Console). v1.2.6 is ready for download! Thanks again for finding and help fixing that bug.
It works great, thanks for fixing this for us old XP users.
I just updated from v125 to v126 and every time I start windows FoldersPopup asks me if I want to update from v126 to v126. Will you please fix this. Thank you.
Same problem here. Would welcome a fix.
Thanks in advance
Oops... My bad.
You can redownload the zip file. New files are named: FoldersPopup-1_2_6a-64-bit.exe and FoldersPopup-1_2_6a-32-bit.exe. Will be OK now...
OK. v1.2.7 will make all this back on its feet...
That was amazingly quick and at the weekend. Most impressed.
Many thanks
I use a lot of different folders on different hard-drives and cloud services. This app is very useful for fast access and saves me a lot of space. I no longer need my folder desktop-shortcuts!
It would be i could customize the popup windows some more. Maybe it's just my personal preference, but i think it would be useful if you could remove the "folders popup settings" and "add this folder" from the context panel by settings.
Thank you for your comment and suggestions, Aevitus. They are added to the wish list.
I love this program but there is one key element missing to make it perfect for me. The option to automatically load/open the last used folder in windows explorer when used when using a save as diag box. I guess you are aware of a program called direct folders that does this?
Hello Jason,
Thank you for your interest for ForldersPopup. What you ask is currently available in the beta release of version 2.0. Please see this post and let me know if you would like to join the beta group.
The official release should be in 1 or 2 weeks (depending on the beta test findings).