NOTE TO USERS OF CSV BUDDY v1.01: Please, disregard the message in v1.01 saying that you have the latest version. The version number was incorrectly encoded in this edition (it should have been encoded 1.0.1 - sorry about that). It is recommended to update to version 1.1 below.

A new version of CSV Buddy is now online. Update is recommended for data reliability (eliminate occasional file locking system errors) . What’s new:

2013-12-30 v1.1

  • filter by column: click on a header to retain only rows with the keyword appearing in this column
  • global filtering: right-click in the list zone to retain only rows with the keyword appearing in any column
  • search by column: find the next row having the keyword in this column and open it in row edit window
  • global search: find the next row having the keyword in any column and open it in row edit window
  • in edit row window search result, highlight the field containing the searched keyword
  • added stop and next buttons to edit row window when search in progress
  • added reload original file to the column menu and the list context menu
  • display the current edited record number in edit row title bar
  • add blnSkipConfirmQuit option in ini file to skip the quit confirm prompt, default to false
  • use ObjCSV library v0.4 for better file system error handling


CSV Buddy download, comments and support.