What’s new in v5
- New Application favorite type with new options for full control on application execution:
- Parameters to pass to the application (arguments);
- Start in to set application's working directory.
- Clipboard submenu:
- submenu with folders, documents, applications path(s) and URLs found in the Clipboard;
- only existing folder, documents or application files are displayed in the submenu;
- when the Clipboard does not contain path or URL, the previous submenu content is preserved;
- when FP is launched, the Clipboard submenu is empty (disabled) as long as the Clipboard does not contain a path;
- an option allows to determine if the Clipboard menu is shown (default is true).
- Check for beta version updates:
- check for beta versions updates at startup if user enables the Check for update option;
- active only for users who ran a beta version previously.
Guidelines for beta-testers
Create Application favorites with various programs, using or not the parameters or start in options. Insert environment variables (like %temp%) in application path, arguments or working directory.
Check the Clipboard submenu content with various clipboard contents. To test the Clipboard menu with multiple paths, in the file manager, select and copy multiple files to the Clipboard (File, Copy or Ctrl-C). These files should show up in the Clipboard submenu. Launch these files or folders. There is no protection against clipboard with a very large text content. I've not notice a significant delay while the submenu is being refreshed (each time you popup the menu). Should I cancel refresh if the clipboard is larger than a given size?
Future developments on the Clipboard submenu include supporting URLs and parsing text or HTML code to extract URLs from it.
Make sure you have a backup version of the FoldersPopup.ini file. This beta version has been well tested but remember that the goal of beta testing is precisely to uncover the last bugs.
You will find the links to download the beta version in the comments below. They will be updated with a description of changes for each beta version.
You can report bugs, suggestions or comments here or by email at ahk@jeanlalonde.ca. Thanks in advance.
The first v5 beta test version is released as v4.9.2. You can download it here:
(see updated links below)
Thanks for joining the test. Please make sure the Check for update option is enabled to receive beta release updates.
I am using a utility called 'Everything Search'. If I use its option to 'copy the full path to the clipboard', the v4.9.2-beta does not recognize the contents of the clipboard (and remains greyed out). It seems FP does not like the quotation marks that are put around it, e.g. FP recognizes d:\eppo but not "d:\eppo"
Additionally, FP seems to remember the last clipboard text it 'recognized', but does not clear its internal copy of it if something that is not recognized is copied to the clipboard, e.g. if I have c:\eppo on the clipboard, FP takes that value, then, if I copy "c:\temp" to the clipboard, FP continues to show c:\eppo as content. Note that this behavior is unwanted, especially in relation to the copying of sensitive information.
IMHO FP should track the clipboard and if it recognizes something usable it should take it, but if it thereafter sees something it cannot handle or if the clipboard is cleared (which e.g. password managers do) it should clear its internal copy.
If I use Copy from the context menu of Everything it is recognized by FP without problems.
I can switch to files or folders from Everything to Total Commander in my case.
The remenbering of old clipboard content is what I defintely want as it is !
You should not copy sensitive information to the cliboard at all.
My password manager (KeePass) doesn't use the clipboard for example.
It is a preference setting of Everything (double quote copy as path). As a beta tester, I just want to report my observation and IMHO, in this case, I think the code used to inspect the clipboard could be improved.
Remembering the clipboard content is also what I want, but only as long as nothing new is copied to it or it is cleared. YMMV, so maybe a candidate for a 'user preference' setting?
Sometimes copying of sensitive information is a choice between convenience and risk. I would appreciate FP not to copy/keep information that it cannot interpret/use anyway.
Thanks to both of you for your feedbacks.
I'll work on filtering out illegal characters \ / ? : * " > < | at the beginning and at the end of each clipboard line. This should solve the double-quote issue and other potential issues. FP never remember or modify the content of the Clipboard. It will only show in the submenu the path(s) to existing folder(s)s or file(s). It would never show a password or any other content from the clipboard that is not a valid/existing path or, in the next beta release, a valid URL (beginning by "http://" or "https://" or "www.").
A precision: the backslash \ would not be filtered out. So, lines like these would be in the Clipboard submenu if file or folder exists:
<c: \temp\>
Here is a new beta release with the following additions and fixes.
Version: 4.9.3 (2015-03-14)
* add URL parsing to Clipboard submenu
* filter out from the beginning and the end of each clipboard line the following characters / ? : * " > < | (in addition to space, tab and line-feed already excluded in v4.9.2) * fix icon bug in Clipboard menu * fix bugs in OpenClipboard making folders always opening in new window (see updated download links below)
Working fine for me now. Thanks Jean.
Hello Jean,
in the previous beta I could use an file entry from the clipboard menu
and it opened TC with the cursor on the file.
Now it opens the file with its default application.
I prefer the previous behaviour, please make it at least optional.
It was a bug in the previous version. Documents were not correctly detected and were treated as if they were folders. The normal action for document favorites in FP is to launch them. I want to apply the same action in the Clipboard submenu.
The behavior you describe occurred only with TC or DOpus integration enabled. In Windows Explorer, the document was launched anyway.
I understand what you want (make it an option) and take note of it on the wish-list. Thank you.
Here is what should be the last beta before final v5 release. It add some features and fixes bugs.
Version: 4.9.4 (2015-03-18)
Three new HOTKEYS to open special FP menus
* hotkey to open directly the Current folders menu (by default Ctrl-Win-C)
* hotkey to open directly the Groups menu (by default Ctrl-Win-G)
* hotkey to open directly the Clipboard menu (by default Ctrl-Win-V)
Redesigned Options dialog box
* redesign the Options dialog box splitting hotkeys settings in two tabs: one for popup menu hotkeys and the second for other hotkeys
* review hotkeys language in Options (I hope this will make more clear the difference between "Middle mouse button" and "Shift-Middle mouse button")
Bug fix
* fix a bug from v4.2 when opening a special folder (Libraries, My Computer, etc.) from the Current Folders menu
(see updated download links below)
About the previous version, had anyone try the Clipboard menu with URL parsing? Try this: copy the HTML source code of a page and see all the URLs in this page in the FP Clipboard menu. Cool :-)
Is it possible to have an hotkey "LButton & RButton" for Menu hotkey (mouse)? Or "RButton & LButton" (speaking AHK)
Playing with the configuration arrays in the source code I got only errors :(
Still studying AutoHotkey and FP :)
Thank you! FP is the best!!
Hi Jackson, (I merged your two posts)
First, thanks for your good words.
I think that using the hotkeys combination "LButton & RButton" is technically possible in AHK macro. Try this:
#SingleInstance force
LButton & RButton::MsgBox, Hello!
But I found this not really convenient from a usability point of view. It seems that LButton or RButton alone do not respond as expected in this setting. But you may check on the ahkscript.org forum if you can find info on this.
This being said, this type of combination is not supported in FP. I planned for combination of mouse button & keyboard modifier. But not for mouse buttons.
Very small update. I changed my mind about default special menu shortcuts. You will have to change the hotkeys if you want to use the new default values (use the "Reset default hotkey" in the "Change hotkey" dialog box).
Version: 4.9.6 (2015-03-19) (note: there was no v4.9.5 - numbering error...)
* change default hotkeys for Settings (Shift-Windows-S), Current Folders (Shift-Windows-F) and Clipboard (Shift-Windows-C)
* add hotkey reminders in special menu labels in main menu
See updated links below
I've a problem with 4.9.6 (perhaps with previous version also). If I have a path in the clipboard (for example C:\temp) and no Windows Explorer is open and I choose Clipboard > C:\temp
I've an error message : Failed attempt to launch program or document Action: ...
Works for me under Windows10 x64
Regardless of previous Explorer is open or not.
It worked for me too. Thanks for letting know, Horst.
Windows 7 pro 64 bits latest windows update.
Line 3129: Run, %strFPconnectPath% %strLocation%
Yes, it works when Explorer is open and it also works with a file when Explorer is open or closed.
Hi Laurent,
If you have an Explorer open, does it work?
Tonight (Montreal time), I will send you a new version with updated diagnostic info collection. I have an idea but I will need this diag info.
I'll will also test on my Windows 8.1 at home.
Same problem with 4.9.6 on Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bits and Windows 7 Family Edition 64 bits. Please send the version with diagnostic info on my gmail address.
Another lite update.
Version: (2015-03-20)
* fix a bug introduced in v4.9.2 breaking the creation of default menu at first run
* addition of debugging code around OpenClipboard
(see updated download links below)
An attempt to fix the Clipboard menu bug reported by Laurent Hofinger.
Version: (2015-03-21)
* fix a bug in OpenFavorite (and OpenClipboard) in situations where the target window could not be detected
Easy one-step installation
Portable version
Hi Jean,
Just a cosmetic observation: I noticed that, when enabling the special options 'Current Folders', 'Groups of Folders', 'Recent Folders' and 'Clipboard', that the entries in the menu are 'enhanced' with the their current hotkey settings. However, when disabling these hotkeys by selecting 'None', they are still enhanced with the (slightly confusing) text '(None)', especially if all of them are set to 'None'. Any chance to not show these settings in case of 'None'? Thanks.
Good point. I'll mask the shortcut when it is none. Thanks.
I've a little problem with clipboard menu: my FP menu has 2 columns and when it pops up on the right part of the screen, going on 'clipboard', the sub menu with the content pops up on the left of the menu (instead of right) and there's no way to select it with the mouse.
The same from the menu activated from the tray icon.
I'm using FP beta from WinXP 32-bit Service Pack 3 (and TC 8.51a)
If I was not clear, I'll try to do better :P
Thank you very much!
Hi Jackson,
I see what you mean. This is the problem with using columns in menus. But this behavior is entirely under Windows's control. FP has nothing to do with this. What you can do is to check your mouse config in Control Panel. There could be some delays that you could augment to let your mouse pointer go over to the left part of the menu without closing it.
Another option is to mouse click more on the left side of your screen so that the Clipboard menu has enough room to show on the right.
Hope this helps.
Thanx! I suspected it.
I still don't know if I'll use the clipboard function; maybe it'd be more useful if it keeps the last 'n' contents (FP compatible) of the clipboard... Just a thought.
There was serious bugs in target window management impacting on how folders were open in "current Explorer" or "new Explorer". This should be fixed by v4.9.7. I would appreciate if you could check how special menus (Recent folders, Current folders and Clipboard menu) behave using the popup menu or their keyboard shortcuts.
Last addition to do before going with a public release is to add an option to determine if special menus shortcut reminders are displayed in the main menu and to handle the situation when shortcut is set to None. This will be in v4.9.8 and should be ready for last round of tests this week-end.
Version: 4.9.7 (2015-03-25)
* fix a bug with "New window" (Shift-MMB or Shift-Win-A) not opening in a new Explorer but in the current Explorer when mouse over an Explorer
* improve target window identification when special menu are called using their shortcuts (if target window can open favorite folders, then navigate to the folder, if not open the folder in a new window)
* sets menu position correctly when special menu are called using their shortcuts
* fix bug in WindowIsFPconnect when target window id or class is unknown
* review of English text in Menu hotkeys Options tab and improve Menu hotkeys tab layout
* Italian, Swedish, French and Korean language update
See updated link below
If we don't find bugs in this release, this should be the last beta vefore v5.0 public release. Thaks for your help, all!
Version: 4.9.8 (2015-03-28)
* add an option in third tab to display or not special menu shortcuts
* save and load this new option to ini file
* adjust layout of Options in tab 3
* shorten some button names for menu shortcuts
* fix bug in group load for special folders
* Italian and Swedish Options language updates
(see updated links below)
Mostly internal changes. FP is ready for v5. Thanks to all beta testers!
Version: 4.9.9 (2015-03-30)
* keep current position of add favorite window when changing favorite type
* fix bug making the exit routine running twice (could be seen only when diag mode active)
* ensure OnExit routine always delete of temporary files, even if an error occurs at load time
* unused language variable removed
(see updated link below)
This is the final v5 beta release with all language updates included. I'll push to official release later this week-end.
Big thanks to translators!
(see updated info below)
Beta test for v5 is now closed. You can download the official v5 here:
But if you like beta-testing, the first beta release for v5.1 is already available here:
Thanks for helping making this small app better!
You still want to be part of the beta testing process? Beta release v5.0.9 is ready for you: